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Ever since its establishment in 1992, we have worked hard to create an experience unique to Kiraku. Using the freshest ingredients only, we serve a variety of dishes such as sushi, tempura, teriyaki dishes and more! Throughout the years we have developed our own collection of homemade sauces. With these top-quality ingredients and flavours we aspire to bring a little bit of Japan to each plate, Kiraku-style.
Toussaintkade 31, 2513CK Den Haag
TEL: 070–345 42 88
Booking a table is only possible by phone call
Het reserveren van een tafel kan alleen telefonisch
Open from Tuesday - Sunday / Open van dinsdag - zondag
Closed on all Mondays / Elke maandag gesloten
Restaurant open from 17.00 - 22.00
Delivery available from 16.30 - 21.00
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